Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Steelcase on the Flexible Office and Worker Happiness

I think this piece actually identifies why I found my first 9-5 job so stifling compared with the Cornell campus. The idea that you are at a desk (or in my case in the lab or at a desk, so I had it better than most) for a straight 8 hours is sort of a shock to the system. I missed the ability to structure my day more organically, choosing to do some reading at a coffee shop for 2 hours, then meet up with friends to tackle a problem set, then hole up in a library somewhere... One of my favorite parts of being a student again is that freedom of place. NESAD has 5 PC computer labs, plus rooms with drafting boards, plus its little library. Then I also have my home office as an option. It's not quite the Cornell campus, but the idea is the same.

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